From the Bank of England's website:
The Bank of England’s Virtual Tour is an app that lets you explore the famous Threadneedle Street building in the heart of the City of London. Discover the architecture, history and current role of the UK’s central Bank through a series of stunning 360° panoramic images. Visit ten locations including a gold vault, committee rooms, a hidden garden and the Bank's museum. You can also check your banknotes using the ‘Know Your Banknotes’ feature located in the cash vault.
To access the app on your computer go here there is also iPhone and Android versions of the app. Yes you can now show friends and family where Australia's gold reserves are stored whilst on the go. Maybe you might even be tempted to show your local federal politician via your smart phone then ask them "So why do the Pommies have our gold?"
If you look really closely you can see the 80 one ton pallets of Australia's gold lurking in the background. Oh to those who didn't know that 99.9% of Australia's gold reserves are held in the Bank of England's gold vault read the article that broke the story and which the mainstream Australian press refuse to re-publish or acknowledge here