Published on Jul 2, 2013
Bolivian president's plane rerouted in Austria amidst Snowden scare Reports are coming in that Bolivian leader Evo Morales' plane was forced to make an emergency landing in Austria on suspicion that NSA leaker Edward Snowden might be on board. Bolivia's foreign minister, David Choquehuanca, said it was a lie and Snowden was not on the plane. Associated Press reports indicate that the plane was rerouted to Austria after France and Portugal refused to let it cross into their airspace. President Morales was in Russia attending an energy and gas summit. He sat down for an exclusive interview with RT Spanish earlier today, where he told reporters that he would absolutely consider granting Snowden asylum. WikiLeaks announced today that Snowden has applied for asylum in no fewer than 21 countries-- including some of the very countries his NSA documents prove the US was spying on.